Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Growth Mindset: Love a challenge


Normally, I'm not one to research ways to improve my education. I've always just showed up to class and simply did what I needed to do for the class to get a good grade. It made sense when Carol Dweck mentioned that kids these days just want the A and don't truly want to learn. I feel like this happens a lot in college. We want good grades on transcripts but forget that we came to college to train for a career. 

One part of the video that caught my attention was when Carol noticed how kids who had the attitude of "I like a challenge" could solve problems better than others. That's why I found the picture above and put it in my blog. Engineering students have to deal with problem solving all the time. Last semester in our electronics lab, there were hours and hours of troubleshooting our circuits. The ones who stayed in lab and had a good attitude are the ones who succeeded in lab. They learned to experiment, test, and change things until everything worked. Next time I'm in lab, I want to remember to enjoy a challenge. 


  1. Your meme makes me so very happy! I love that so much! I feel like being in lab is an adventure in itself. When I had chemistry lab my freshman year, my lab partner and I were both constantly confused. We did the procedure correctly, but we would both constantly be asking questions. I'm so thankful that my TA was nice enough to not get annoyed. Otherwise I don't know what I would have done!

  2. The meme is so cute and what drew me to your Growth Mindset post. i really like your observation about the students in the lab. I find that same scenario personally in my own studies as an International Studies Major. When I have to write a paper, I try to fins something that interests me. The 20 page papers that I have written on a topic that excite me take half as long as the 5 page papers I've written on something that I have no desire to write about.

  3. Hello Morghan! I have to say I see myself the same way as you most of the time I am at school. Just trying to get an A in class rather than actually learning the things I really need to know for the class. I also think you bring up a good point about having good attitudes in class or in any situations. The ones who come into something having a good attitude about it will have a much better chance to succeed.
