Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Course Improvements

I really liked the idea for story planning, and actually used it once this semester. Sometimes you're not in your zone as a writer, but you have a couple of ideas for a story. It would help for people to still comment on these story planning posts since your peers could help you decide on a story or give you feedback on your story idea.

I also like the idea of thematic reading for each week. When we were reading the Ramayana, it was great to have a schedule for what we had to read each day. However, once the time came for free choice reading, it was a little difficult to know what would be good. Having a weekly theme and then a list of suggestions for each theme would be great for people who prefer to have structure versus freedom.


  1. Hi Morghan! I just happened to see this post pop up right when I was sending you an email. Synchronicity! And listen, this idea of leaving comments on the planning posts does sound good. I had kind of debated about that, but I think you are right, and what I will do is, by default, include the planning posts in the blog groups for comment... but let people write me and tell me if they do not want me to do that. I can imagine maybe some people would not be keen on getting comments on a planning post (so I want to make that possible), but I am glad to hear that you think it would be a good idea to open them for comments. I think so too!

  2. I also really liked the planning! It became a really helpful tool when I was working on my storybook, cause at one point of the semester I was like "why didn't I just stick with a portfolio!!" It definitely helped me balance my energy between the weekly assignments and the book. I wouldn't have come up with that idea, kudos to the person who did! I also agree with your thoughts on thematic writing. In a playwriting class I'm in we used to pull a theme from a hat to help us on our next round of plays. I loved it because it gave us something to pull from if we hadn't an idea for ourselves- plus it was cool to see how everyone worked with the theme! But then of course if we didn't want the theme that was fine as well.

  3. I never actually used the planning post option. It was a new thing that I just didn't have the brain power to completely figure out even thought it was one of the simplest things ever... I wasn't ever very good at sitting and planning my stuff though. When I was in art in high school, I drove my teacher crazy because I would just dive into something without any research or background about what I was doing. So for this class I always just made myself write my stories, even if they turned out kind of cruddy..
