Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Introduction to: Netflix Binge Watcher



My name is Morghan, and I am an electrical engineering major. Last semester the best class I took was electronics lab. Although time consuming and difficult, it was project based and we learned a lot. Last semester, my greatest accomplishment was the weekend I watched almost 2 seasons of Gilmore Girls. Over the summer, I interned at Cessna Aircraft Company and took summer classes. 

Outside my college classes, I enjoy reading and watching movies, playing violin, and taking ballet classes. I like most of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novels, my favorite being This Side of Paradise. Kurt Vonnegut is one of my other favorite authors. Slaughterhouse Five and Cat's Cradle are my favorites, although I'm going to read Player Piano soon. I just finished All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, which was really good. If you like books about WWII, you will really enjoy it. I'm about to start The Ghost Map, which is about the man who tracked the London Flu epidemic, laying the foundation for modern epidemiology. Film is one of my passions, so I love watching movies, ranging from classic Hollywood musicals to modern horror. My favorite film is Singin' in the Rain and a pastime of mine is trying to learn the tap routines (unsuccessfully). My favorite TV shows are Friends, Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, and The Office. I'm not picky about music, but my favorite band is The Arctic Monkeys. I also enjoy Orchestra music and film scores. 

I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life at this point. My dream job would be a set designer or sound engineer for a film or television studio. I love places like London and Boston and want to live in a big city for at least a couple of years.

So, I have three guinea pigs-- Neville, Dobby, and Harry. But here is a picture of Neville and Luna: 


  1. Hey Morghan, those guinea pigs are adorable! 2 seasons of gilmore girls in one weekend? That's pretty impressive. I think the closest I've gotten is maybe three seasons of It's Always Sunny in a week. I'm right there with you on not knowing what I'm going to do with my life. I'm just trying to find a job and go from there. How was the internship at Cessna? It sounds like that would be very interesting! Have you ever visited either Boston or London since you're interested in them? I've never been myself but I've always preferred smaller suburbs instead of really big cities. Well I hope you have a great semester and it's nice to meet you!

  2. I have been to Boston and London. I'm absolutely in love with London and can't wait to go back eventually. Even though they're both big cities, you can find little places and neighborhoods that have that suburb feel that you said you like. It's really interesting.

  3. Hi Morghan! Wow, Electronics Lab sounds very difficult! I bet that the professor for that class was very good and you learned a lot though! The fact that you were able to finish nearly two whole seasons of Gilmore Girls in just one weekend is quite the accomplishment! I have started watching Gilmore Girls this summer and I'm almost finished with it...I am so excited for Netflix's series that is coming out in November! I like reading as well, so thank you for all of the book suggestions, they all sound very interesting. I absolutely love Singin' in the Rain; it is such a great movie! It sounds like we have a lot in common...I also love The Office and London. I really want to go to Boston some day, it is so historical! I'm glad I'm not the only one who really doesn't know what they want to do with their life, it makes me feel much better! I hope you have a great semester!

  4. Oh, guinea pigs: how cute, Morghan! Potteresque guinea pigs. That is fabulous! And listen, since there are the Patil sisters, that's a good connection with this class. You'll be meeting the goddess Parvati, and you'll see the lotus, Padma, in the iconography of gods like Vishnu and Lakshmi (the characters Rama and Sita are their human avatars). And since you mentioned being a sound engineer for a studio, I have to share this fun thing from India: Harry Potter Music Indian Tribute | The Indian Jam Project - and if you like that, browse that YouTube channel for more Indian versions of Hollywood and TV theme scores. That style of mash-up and discovery is very much what this class is all about. I hope you will enjoy it!

  5. Neville and Luna? Did you aquire a 4th guinea pig and forget to tell us?! I love the names, obviously. I binged watched the entire Harry Potter movies in one week last year during October -- so I understand the binge mentality! I also had guinea pigs growing up, and they were some of my favorite pets. We built a moveable box to put them in the backyard and let them eat grass, then move it when they needed more grass. They were such great pets!

  6. Hi Morghan! Your guinea pigs are so adorable! I use to have one myself but sadly he passed away. My favorite hobby is binge watching my shows. Since I have so much homework over the course of the week, I have to wait till the weekend to catch up on all of my shows but it’s okay since I get to binge watch them. 2 seasons in a weekend is quite impressive. I think my breates accomplishment was watching all 11 seasons of Supernatural over the summer. I also managed to watch about 14 episodes (exactly 1 hour each) of a Korean drama in one night (needless to say I was very tired the next day at school). You like Orchestra music? I used to play the violin during my freshman year of high school but I ended up quitting. I feel you though on not knowing what you want to do though. Hopefully we both find our purpose in life.

  7. I just want to start off by saying you guinea pigs are super adorable. Congrats on getting this for in your major. That is a great accomplishment, especially since engineering is one of the hardest majors. I also like Netflixing and watching Friends. There are multiple people in this class that enjoy this show. I also want to live in a big city one day. Your dream job is something I didn't really think of to be a job since I have never heard of anyone wanting to go that path, but it honestly seems like a fun job.

  8. Morghan, I think it's great that you are able to keep up with reading for fun while completing such a rigorous course load. I don't know how you do it! I always want to read more, but find myself either buried in a textbook or youtube, looking up music. Have you played any instruments? I noticed you like orchestral music and I was going see if you had a favorite style, composer, or era. I personally really enjoy violin concertos and operas, but I am always looking for new music to listen to, if you have any suggestions.

  9. Hi Morghan! First of all, I love your guinea pigs and their Harry Potter names! They are so cute! I had a guinea pig and I loved him so much. They make such great pets. They are so sweet with so much personality!
    I also think that your major sounds really interesting. I think that both of your dream jobs sound super fascinating. With that degree, I’m sure it could take you a lot of different places!

  10. Wow you must really like to read!!! Reading actually isn't one of my favourite things to do, so I rarely every read novels. Though I really wish I enjoyed it more because I think reading novels can really expand your vocabulary and knowledge in general! Your major is very impressive, and intimidating! I could never do what you do but I'm so glad you enjoy it and found your niche. It's totally okay not to know what you wanna do with your life. I am a fourth year here at OU and I'm still undecided, luckily I'm leaning towards Communication though! Oh my goodness... the guineas. I'm a huge animal lover but I've actually never had guinea pigs! Your babies are so cute though and it was great to virtually meet you!!

  11. Hi Morghan! I absolutely loved the picture of your three guinea pigs! I have always wanted pets, but haven't been able to have any. My best friend is also a huge fan of Harry Potter, and she swears her happy place is Harry Potter World. Have you had a chance to go there? I am sure that you would thoroughly enjoy it. Good luck for the semester and it was very nice meeting you!

  12. I'm sure Cessna was an interesting job, especially considering how large they are as a company. You have a wide variety of interests; I'm sure that you'll be able to find a career that suits you and that you enjoy. What sort of summer classes did you take?
    I've heard about "All the Light We Cannot See". I enjoy books about World War II so I'll have to check that out.

  13. Hi Morghan! I feel like I totally relate to you. In my free time I love to read and binge watch Netflix. I just struggle deciding which one to do when I have an hour here and there. I finally finished all 10 seasons of friends this weekend and I actually was quite sad afterwards. Right now Im in the process of reading Anna Karenina... I've been "in the process" of reading it for way too long (at least 2 years). I don't have the time to devote to "reading for fun" so teach me your ways to get the time in to read! Please! hahaha but anyway it was great to meet you! Oh shoot almost forgot, I LOVE THE ARCTIC MONKEYS!! They are my all time favorite band as well but I rarely meet people who have even heard of them :(

  14. Everyone is talking about how cute your Guinea Pigs are. Which, admittedly, they are awesomely adorable. I'm just really impressed that you named all three (and Luna) after Harry Potter characters. That's really cool.
    I dig Vonnegut and Fitzgerald too. I'd personally have to give the edge to Vonnegut. Fitzgerald writes so well, and he's pretty much the answer to, "who is greatest modern writer." The only thing, for me, is that there's a bit (or more) of melancholy in his books. Adding in how his life went adds to that feeling for me. They're still phenomenal reads but the leave me "worn out," when I finish them.
    Picking a favorite from Vonnegut is tough too. So, I'll be lame, and say that I really enjoy how Deadeye Dick and Breakfast of Champions involve the same backdrop part of the time.
    I don't care what anyone says, Gilmore Girls was da' bomb. Much like Phantoms. Well, Most of GG was rad. The last two seasons really didn't click with me, but I'm pumped for the Netflix revival!

    Twilight Zone and Star Trek = Awesome. Friends was great too. I'm just a nerd. The Office is... not for me. I get that it's funny. It just makes me cringe so much.

    Ok, well I've clearly written too much. Nice to digitally meet you!

  15. Hi Morghan! So nice to meet you! I am also a Netflix binge watcher! It's a really nice way to unwind at the end of the week! I have never watched Gilmore Girls, but my guilty pleasure is Grey's Anatomy. I also went through the two seasons of Narcos pretty quickly, too. Both come highly recommended! I love the names of your guinea pigs! I'm a Harry Potter fan!

  16. Hi Morghan! From one netflix binge-watcher to another, congrats on the accomplishment. I'm watching Gilmore Girls this weekend, actually and I blazed through season 2 and am starting to get through season 3, so let's see if I beat your streak.

    I'm definitely going to be adding the books you've recommended to my list. The only Fitzgerald novel I've read was The Great Gatsby for a high school course, but I'm excited to delve a little deeper. I'm also a huge Star Trek fan! Are you partial to any specific series or the reboot movies?

  17. Hi Morghan! I just wanted to say that I commend you on your major of electrical engineering. I know that is no simple task and I constantly hear horror stories from my fellow engineering major friends. I absolutely love how you're tapping into your strength of a Netflix binge-watcher. I happen to be guilty of the same! Good luck on the rest of your semester!

  18. Like everyone else pointed out, those little guinea pigs are adorable! As I was reading through your introduction, all I kept thinking was how diverse you are. I mean, an engineer/ ballerina? That is so cool! I love learning about the world wars, but I always thought WWI was more interesting. I would give your reading suggestions a try! hHank you for sharing more about who you are! I cant wait to read more of your posts

  19. Hi Morghan! I'm definitely like you in having no idea what I want to do when I grow up! And it's coming up faster than I would like to believe. I loved London, but I haven't been to Boston. I did realize while visiting London that I definitely wouldn't want to live in the city itself, but live in a small town just outside the city. I stayed in a tiny, quiet town called Henley-upon-Thames just outside of London and it was definitely better than staying in the loud city!

  20. Hello Morghan,
    You sound like very interesting and diverse person! I am very intrigued with your internship and what all the entailed because I am an aviation management major and having an internship with a manufacturer as well know as Cessna is very prestigious. I am a little jealous of your ability to play the violin. That is one instrument that I have always wanted to learn but I cannot read music at all.

  21. Hi, Morghan!
    I haven't met you yet! Hello! What CUITE LITTLE 'PIGGIES! They seem so sweet! I'm envious of your musical ability! I never picked up an instrument... maybe in the coming years! I hope to see you working on sound stages one of these days (being if that's what you decide you want to do!). I'm an actor, but set design seems like it would be so much fun! Oooooh, good luck! :)

  22. Hello there! I can't believe it's taken me this long to comment on your blog. I also learned some new things about you from your intro. I didn't know that you play violin and have guinea pigs. They look super adorable by the way. Also, Slaughterhouse Five is pretty great. I just read it last year, and I already have other Vonnegut books on my list.

  23. Morghan, I commented on your introduction once already, but I noticed you commented on mine a few weeks ago and wanted to say thank you. It has been a challenging journey, but it continues to be worth it and motivate me to keep pushing. From your introduction, it sounds like you have taken on your own challenges and I am sure you will find your path as long as you stay true to the things that captivate you. I wish you luck in your endeavors as finals week approaches and for the following semester!

  24. Hello Morghan! That is a very great accomplishment to be able to complete finish 2 seasons of the Gilmore girls in one weekends saying in which that takes an immense about of dedication and commitment to the cause! I also share your interest in London and big cities in general! I think it would be cool to be able to live there for a couple of years also!
