Friday, September 2, 2016

Feedback Thoughts

Feedback is difficult to deal with, especially if it's negative. After reading four of the articles about receiving and giving feedback, I've found some ideas that I might like to use in the future for this class. I liked in  "Taking Feedback like a Champ" how the author pointed out that feedback is uncomfortable because it mentions a weakness, but how it also means that you have room for growth, which is good. My dance teacher used to say that criticisms were better than compliments because criticism is how we progress in training. Criticism shows that the teachers are paying attention and believe that you can do even better work. Because I've listened to my dance teacher's philosophies for so long, I have an appreciation for feedback. The article that was most useful to me was "Be A Mirror." The author explained how feedback you give does not have to be positive or negative, but could simply reflect what you see without judgment. It suggested you take the phrase "I think" out of feedback you send to others, which is something I hadn't thought of before.

image: flickr 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Feedback can always be difficult and it's the most helpful when it's giving advice and criticism to help improve your skills. I've always felt that the best criticism is when it is directly trying to make you better. It's not pointing out what's wrong to put you down but because it's trying to help you improve your skill set.
