Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

                                                   Image: Pinterest 

In looking at the chart of growth mindset dimensions, I've made my own list of weaknesses and strengths:

-Doing the minimum
-Focusing on Grades instead of learning
-Thinking I cannot improve
-Doing things at the last minute
-Comparing myself to others

-Finding motivation inside myself
-Choosing what's hard (if it interests me)
-Being willing to learn from mistakes
-Asking lots of questions
-Taking risks

This class has helped me realize that I am willing to take more risks, like with my writing, than I am used to. Writing is a very personal thing, and being brave enough to post stories on topics that matter to me has been an experience that has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone. One thing I'm going to start working on for Indian Epics is doing the minimum. I want to start doing the extra credit options each week. I'll start with just one extra per week and hopefully do more as the semester progresses. Another thing I want to work on is doing assignments at the last minute. We all made a schedule at the beginning of the semester on how we wanted to split our work up for the week and I have not been good about sticking to mine. Instead of working on Monday mornings on readings, I've been sleeping in. Indian Epics has also helped me to stop comparing my work to other students'. Reading other people's stories has helped me realize that everyone has a unique way of thinking and writing, and we can't possibly compare them. 


  1. Hey Morghan! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I think I focus on grades rather than wanting to learn the material, too. I think it's really cool how this class has helped you not only realize your strengths but also improve them. Taking risks is scary for me, so I admire that you can do it so well! Your plans for the coming weeks are perfect. Good luck on those!

  2. Hi Morghan! I agree that this class has definitely helped me take risks as far as my storytelling. I've never felt particularly confident in my creative writing abilities but there are so many opportunities for growth and this is an extremely supportive community so I've noticed that I'm also able to switch up my writing. Good luck with your future goals for this class. I haven't been as great about time management either, but I try to pencil in some of the extra credit opportunities as mandatory for myself since it ensures that I'll never fall too behind.

  3. Thank you for your honesty in this growth mindset post! I totally relate with you in that writing and publishing stories every week takes courage and has been a challenging thing to do -- but it is very helpful to know and see, as we read other peoples' writings every week, that everyone thinks about writing and approaches it differently. I also feel your pain when it comes to sticking to the schedule that we created for ourselves at the beginning of the semester -- oof! That's been a rough one! But, there's now only 5(!!!) weeks left in the semester, so let's try and finish this out well, shall we? Great growth mindset post! :)

  4. I love that you made a list of strengths and weaknesses! I have the same weaknesses of doing the minimum and only being motivated by grades...not actual learning. This isn't always a problem, but at this point in the semester it DEFINITELY is. I love to learn, but at this point in the semester I'm starting to get burnt out and losing motivation. I am very hard on myself with grades, so getting the grade is the only thing that gets me going. It's important to step back and remember the growth mindset! Especially at this point in the semester! I have found that taking a deep breath and evaluating my motivations and intentions helps me clear my mind and re-evaluate.

  5. I think it's very creative that you've created a list of strengths and weaknesses here. It's a very interesting tactic. I often tend to find myself being heavily motivated by grades above all else to a fault. I've also had a bad case of senior-itis personally and just getting focused to work on the material can be very tough. It's still very stressful though.

  6. Hey Morghan! I really liked your idea to make a list of strengths and weaknesses. I have to try and force myself to think of a strength when I become to bogged down in my own weaknesses. I am currently suffering from senioritis as well and hope to survive the next two semesters successfully!

  7. I completely agree! Maybe I’ve let the stereotypical pre-med mentality get to me, but I have a serious tendency to compare myself and my work to others and diminish my understanding of a subject to a grade on my transcript. This class also helped me appreciate the unique and individual approaches different students take to express themselves in stories and I appreciate that this class focuses on growth and learning, with so many opportunities pertaining to the subject matter and my own life.

  8. I think it is a really cool thing to be able to sit and honestly write down what your strengths and weaknesses are because it gives you the opportunity to use your strengths to help you improve on your weaknesses! I also really like what you have as strengths (weaknesses too, but I wanted to comment on the strengths mostly) because I like how you say that you are able to find motivation in yourself. I think that is something really important that everyone should try to find in themselves.
