Saturday, November 26, 2016

Tech Tip: Meme Builder

I've never done a tech tip yet, but I was going through my friend's blog and thought her meme was super funny, so I decided to try it. It's really easy too. All you do is go to this link, go through the pictures until you find a suitable one to fit your general message, and make the caption! You can either choose "top," "middle," or "bottom" for the placement of the caption. Make sure to add spaces before the caption if it's not centered enough. Here's my result:


  1. Oh my goodness Morghan, this is hilarious! I relate to it on such a personal level. I think that this is the funniest thing I've ever seen. I really like the creativity that you put into this meme. This seems like a really fun tech tip to do! I did something similar to this earlier in the semester! Great job!

  2. Hey Morghan,
    I find this picture hilarious! I have seen this same picture used for memes a lot but this is by far the funniest use. I have also seen this tech tip before and have considered doing it for my own blog. You made this sound very easy so I think I will give it a try. Thanks for the laugh!

  3. I love memes so much ahahah. I have always been so intrigued with the ones that I’ve seen. They’re always so creative and definitely relatable, just like yours is. My favorite app that I use to look at memes is iFunny, which I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of since it is quite popular. Great job creating your meme haha, it definitely gave me a chuckle.
