Monday, August 22, 2016

Favorite Places


Pretty much any airport is exciting to be at. There's one old airport in my hometown that's my favorite, although now it has been turned into a museum. Back when it was created in the 1920s, air travel was new and a privilege. Now, we've lost a bit of the wonder since air travel is normal. There's something wonderful about a place where everyone is going to a different destination on the globe. 

London, England 

This is one of my own photos from when I studied abroad in England. The historic buildings, food, and atmosphere are amazing. You can see modern cars and buses pass by 400 year old structures. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for a favorite place, Morghan! I was actually talking to my dad about that when I went to see him this summer; airport travel is definitely not elegant nowadays, but he still remembers how people used to dress up in a suit and tie to fly on a plane! And LONDON: such a great city! I studied in Oxford for two years... which was really just an excuse to go to London as often as possible!

    Of course I wish we could all magically travel to India for this class, but in the absence of magical air travel, reading will have to suffice. I hope you will enjoy visiting a new country if only by means of its stories! :-)
